
This is the category description which I have added by editing the category. But it will show up only for categories that have posts assigned to them.

It may be better to create GP Elements for each category instead.

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2024 Agenda

Welcome To Our State Convention! The convention will be available on Zoom at Registration will be held Thursday, Nov. 7th from 10:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. and on Friday, Nov. 8th from 10:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. outside of the Garden Atrium Ballroom. A table featuring materials of the National Federation of the Blind … Read more

Navigating the 2024 State Convention

Ambassador Conference Center The Ambassador Conference Center connects both the Hilton and the Marriott hotels. All meeting rooms are located within the Ambassador Banquet and Conference Center. You can access these rooms easily from either the Hilton or the Courtyard. Hilton Garden Overview Upon entering the Hilton, you’ll find: Navigating the Hilton From the Check-in … Read more

Thank You!

The National Federation of the Blind of Pennsylvania is grateful for your registration for Baskets & Bingo! Your support of our organization is greatly appreciated. Get Ready While you’re waiting, here is how you can get ready: Get your voice ready by shouting BINGO! everytime you find something you’re looking for! That lost sock that’s … Read more

A calendar on a wooden desk, with the words Monthly Digest in black above it.

Monthly Digest

Welcome to our January 2024 monthly Digest: a monthly newsletter of the National Federation of the Blind of Pennsylvania! The events and information listed below will be within the National Federation of the Blind of Pennsylvania as well as any pertinent information from the National Federation of the Blind and the Pennsylvania blind community. If … Read more

Celebration of Veterans at State Convention

Celebration of VeteransNovember 9, 2023Crowne Plaza Hotel HarrisburgDoors open at 6:30 PMEvent begins at 7:30 PM Celebrate our Veterans at State Convention.  The evening events celebrate our members and family serving our country in the armed services.  This includes special presenters from the National Association of Blind Veterans and others. Please click here if you … Read more

Crowne Plaza Hotel Harrisburg, the site of the 2023 NFB of PA State Convention.

Reservations for Crowne Plaza Hotel

We are happy to be returning to the Crowne Plaza at 23 South Second Street in Harrisburg for our 2023 State Convention. The hotel is now accepting room reservations for the State Convention. To make your reservation 24 hours a day, seven days a week, please visit our room reservation booking link or dial 717-234-5021 and state that you are … Read more

Graphic that has #nfb23 at the top above a heart around a outline of the state of Texas with the Texas flat in the shape. Below that is the word Houston in black.

Preparing for National Convention: #NFB23

The National Federation of the Blind (NFB) is gearing up for its highly anticipated National Convention, set to take place in the vibrant city of Houston. With #NFB23 just around the corner, blind and visually impaired individuals, advocates, professionals, and allies eagerly prepare for an event that promises inspiration, knowledge, and connections. And the NFB … Read more

12410 Roth Drive
North Huntingdon, PA 15642