Shaping Policy for Blind Americans: NFB Washington Seminar 2023

The National Federation of the Blind (NFB) Washington Seminar is a remarkable annual event that brings together blind individuals from across the nation to advocate for equality, accessibility, and independence. With its unwavering commitment to fostering positive change, the NFB Washington Seminar is a driving force behind legislative advancements that empower the blind community. 

The Gathering

Each year, hundreds of passionate individuals representing the NFB assemble in Washington, D.C., to participate in the highly anticipated Washington Seminar. With a shared vision of advocating for the rights of blind Americans, the event unites blind individuals, their families, friends, and allies from Pennsylvania and all over the United States.

The Power of Numbers 

The NFB Washington Seminar is renowned for its massive turnout, with hundreds of participants making their voices heard on Capitol Hill. The collective power of this vast assembly enables blind individuals to influence policymakers, shaping the legislative landscape to enhance accessibility and independence for all. The number of participants sends a resounding message of determination, resilience, and unity.

The Pennsylvania Delegation

There were a dozen members of the Pennsylvania affiliate that took part in the 2023 Washington Seminar. The delegation broke into four groups to cover all 17 Representatives’ offices on Day One. The entire group then met with aides to Senators Casey and Fetterman on Day Two.

The Pennsylvania Perspective

When asked how this year’s Washington Seminar was going, NFB of PA President Lynn Heitz said, “I think it’s gone really well this year.” “We got to meet Congressman Glenn Thompson (R-PA15.) He is very enthusiastic about our issues and is looking forward to learning more about them whenever they get dropped in the house,” she added.

Denice Brown, President of the Greater Philadelphia Chapter, has attended 21 Washington Seminars. She said, “I give all of them high expectations. This one ranks high. It was good. It was good to get back in person again.”

Agenda for NFB Washington Seminar 2023

The NFB Washington Seminar 2023 aims to continue the tradition of impactful advocacy and community building, focusing on critical issues that affect the blind community. This year’s agenda will prioritize the following critical areas:

  1. Websites and Software Applications Accessibility Act: Advocating for equal access to cutting-edge technology and digital platforms is the NFB Washington Seminar 2023 primary focus. Participants will engage with legislators, urging them to support legislation that ensures accessible technology and online media for blind individuals, enabling them to participate fully in the digital world. The
  2. Blind Americans Return to Work Act: The current Social Security law unintentionally discourages blind Americans from reaching their full earning potential. The proposed Blind Americans Return to Work Act aims to remove the earnings cliff in Social Security Disability Insurance, providing a genuine incentive for blind individuals to work and maximize their earnings.
  3. Medical Device Nonvisual Accessibility Act: Blind individuals face challenges in operating essential medical devices due to inaccessible digital interfaces, hindering their independence and safety. The Medical Device Nonvisual Accessibility Act seeks to eliminate the unequal access to medical devices, ensuring that blind Americans can use them effectively and independently.

In conclusion, the National Federation of the Blind Washington Seminar stands as a remarkable annual event that empowers blind individuals to advocate for equality, accessibility, and independence. Through their unwavering commitment, the NFB Washington Seminar has become a driving force behind legislative advancements that benefit the blind community. With a focus on critical issues such as technology accessibility, work incentives, and medical device accessibility, the seminar continues to foster positive change and unite blind individuals from across the nation in their pursuit of a more inclusive society.

12410 Roth Drive
North Huntingdon, PA 15642